Pong Tuk
Pong Tuk
one of the centers of the ancient Mon state of Dvaravati, now a town in the province of Rat Buri, Thailand. The ruins of religious structures constructed of laterite and the bronze figures of Buddha discovered during excavations of Pong Tuk are among the most ancient examples of Buddhist art in Thailand, dating from approximately the middle of the first millennium A.D. In ancient times, the Pong Tuk area was probably a major stopover on trade routes between the West and Far East. Pong Tuk had lost its economic importance by the Middle Ages.
Coédès, G. “The Excavations at Pong Tuk and Their Importance for the Ancient History of Siam.” Journal of Siam Society, 1928, part 3.Wales, H. G. Q. “Further Excavations of P’ong Tuk (Siam).” Indian Art and Letters, 1936, vol. 10, no. 1.
Dupont, P. L’Archéologie mône de Dvaravati. [vol. 1], Paris, 1959.