Pond Island National Wildlife Refuge
Pond Island National Wildlife Refuge
Rockport, ME 04656
Web: www.fws.gov/refuges/profiles/index.cfm?id=53537
Established: 1973.
Location:Coastal Maine, 16 miles northeast of Portland.
Activities:Hunting, wildlife observation.
Special Features:A tern restoration program was initiated in 1996 in which tern decoys and recorded sounds were used to lure the birds to Pond Island. In 1999, ten pairs of common terns successfully nested, producing the first tern chick in more than 60 years. Today the island supports about 135 pairs of nesting terns.
Habitats: 10-acre treeless island with grass, forb and shrub.
Access: Boat access only. Visitation should be attempted only by experienced boaters--the mouth of the Kennebec River is known for strong currents, heavy seas, fog, and large tidal changes. Island is closed from April through August to prevent disturbance to nesting birds.
Wild life: Common terns, Leach's storm petrels, eider ducks, and gulls.
See other parks in Maine.