Stubble Plowing

Stubble Plowing


shallow soil tillage, involving loosening the surface, undercutting weeds, and partially turning the soil.

Stubble plowing precedes autumn deep plowing and may sometimes substitute for it. The loose, small-lump soil layer that forms during the plowing reduces the evaporation of moisture and creates conditions for the germination of weed seeds whose sprouts will be killed by later deep plowing. Moreover, a significant number of various insect pests, insect eggs, larvae, caterarvae, caterpillars, and cocoons are damaged and destroyed during the plowing. Plowing the stubble ensures good-quality deep soil tillage later. The stubble is plowed immediately after mowing the grain or simultaneously with it.

Stubble plowing is done at depths of 8-12 cm before the deep plowing of the horizon is done and the perennial grasses are turned under. After this the sod dries and loses its ability to sprout. Stubble plowing at depths of 10-12 cm instead of deep plowing is often effective on loose and weed-free soils under root crops and potatoes and also, when planting winter crops, on occupied fallow lands and nonfallow predecessors in the arid steppe zone. Stubble plowing at depths of 8-10 cm is done on stubble-sown crops on weed-free land. The implement used for this kind of work is called a stubble plow.


Zemledelie, 2nd ed. Edited by S. A. Vorob’ev. Moscow, 1972.