amelogenesis imperfecta


 [ah-mel″o-jen´ĕ-sis] formation of dental enamel.amelogenesis imperfec´ta a hereditary disease in which there is imperfect formation of enamel, resulting in brownish coloration and friability of the teeth.

am·e·lo·gen·e·sis im·per·fec·ta

a group of hereditary ectodermal disorders in which the enamel is defective in structure or deficient in quantity. Three major groups are recognized: hypoplastic types, with defective enamel matrix deposition but normal mineralization; hypomineralization types, with normal matrix but defective mineralization; and hypomaturation type, in which the enamel crystallites remain immature. The several types may be inherited as autosomal dominant [MIM*104500, 104510, 104530], recessive [MIM*204650, 204690, 204700] or X-linked [MIM*301100, 301200, 301201]. Synonym(s): enamel dysplasia, enamelogenesis imperfecta

amelogenesis imperfecta

(ĭm′pər-fĕk′tə)n. A hereditary condition in which the dental enamel does not develop properly, often because of insufficient calcification.

am·e·lo·gen·e·sis im·per·fec·ta

(amĕ-lō-jenĕ-sis im-pĕr-fektă) Hereditary ectodermal disorders in which dental enamel is defective in structure or deficient in quantity.

amelogenesis imperfecta

A hereditary defect of the mineralization of tooth enamel which is unusually soft and is rapidly worn away.

am·e·lo·gen·e·sis im·per·fec·ta

(amĕ-lō-jenĕ-sis im-pĕr-fektă) Group of hereditary ectodermal disorders in which tooth enamel is defective in structure or deficient in quantity. Three major groups are recognized.
Synonym(s): enamel dysplasia.