ameloblastic sarcoma

am·e·lo·blas·tic fi·bro·sar·co·ma

a rapidly growing, painful, destructive, radiolucent odontogenic tumor that usually arises through malignant change in the mesenchymal component of a preexisting ameloblastic fibroma. Synonym(s): ameloblastic sarcoma

am·e·lo·blas·tic fi·bro·sar·co·ma

(amĕ-lō-blastik fībrō-sahr-kōmă) A rapidly growing, painful, destructive, radiolucent odontogenic tumor that usually arises through malignant change in the mesenchymal and epithelial tissue component of a preexisting ameloblastic fibroma; occurs without formation of dentin or enamel.
Synonym(s): ameloblastic sarcoma.

am·e·lo·blas·tic fi·bro·sar·co·ma

(amĕ-lō-blastik fībrō-sahr-kōmă) Fast-growing, painful, destructive, radiolucent odontogenic tumor that usually arises through malignant change in the mesenchymal component of a preexisting ameloblastic fibroma.
Synonym(s): ameloblastic sarcoma.