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Thompson test Thomp·son test (tomp'sŏn), 1. test to detect Achilles tendon disruption; with the patient kneeling on a chair or platform with the feet unsupported, each calf is squeezed; if the Achilles tendon is disrupted, plantarflexion of the foot will not occur. 2. an obsolete test for gonorrhea in urine; urine is passed into two glasses; if the gonococci and gonorrheal threads are found only in the first glass, the probability is that the process is limited to the anterior urethra. Synonym(s): two-glass testThomp·son test (tomp'sŏn test) 1. pathology A test for gonorrhea in which urine is passed into two glasses in succession; if gonococci and mucous threads are found only in the first glass, the probability is that the inflammation is limited to the anterior urethra. Synonym(s): two-glass test. 2. physical therapy A test to detect Achilles tendon disruption; with the patient kneeling on a chair or platform with the feet unsupported, each calf is squeezed; if the Achilles tendon is disrupted, plantarflexion of the foot will not occur. See also: Achilles squeeze testThompson test (tomp'son) A test to evaluate the integrity of the Achilles tendon. With the patient lying prone on the examination table, the examiner squeezes the calf while observing for plantar flexion. The result is positive if there is no movement of the foot; this indicates an Achilles tendon rupture. Synonym: Simmonds testThompson, Frederick R., U.S. orthopedic surgeon, 1907-1983. Thompson anterolateral approachThompson anteromedial approachThompson approachThompson arthroplastyThompson excisionThompson femoral head prosthesisThompson femoral neck prosthesisThompson fracture frameThompson frameThompson hemiarthroplasty hip prosthesisThompson hip endoprosthesis systemThompson hip prosthesisThompson hip prosthesis forcepsThompson modification of Denis Browne splintThompson posterior radial approachThompson prosthesisThompson quadriceps plastyThompson resectionThompson signThompson splintThompson squeeze test of Achilles tendonThompson telescoping V osteotomyThompson test
Thompson, Sir Henry, English surgeon, 1820-1904. bandaletta of Thompson - thickened inferior margin of the transversalis fascia. Synonym(s): iliopubic tractThompson test - for extent of gonorrhea infection. Synonym(s): two-glass test |