Skalistyi Range
Skalistyi Range
a frontal range of the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus, located in the central and western parts of the Caucasus. The Skalistyi Range measures 375 km and extends from the Belaia River of the Kuban’ River basin almost to the Terek River. Elevations are 1,200–1,700 m in the west and to 3,000 m in the east. The highest elevation is 3,646 m, at Mount Karakaia, located between the Chegem and Cherek rivers. The Skalistyi Range is a cuesta, with a precipitous southern slope and a gentle northern slope. It is dissected by many narrow river valleys (of the Kuban’, Terek, and other rivers) into plateaus that are inclined in a north-northeast direction. There are broad-leaved forests on the northern slopes. Mountain steppes and meadows are found on the southern slopes and above the timberline. There is karst topography. [23–1461–]