- The boat sails away, like a bird on the wing —Kate Greenaway
- Fishing boats sleep by the docks like men beside their wives —Donald Justice
- The great ships dipped low down in the water, like floating swans —Hans Christian Andersen
- The lights on the canals [of Holland] like gold caterpillars —Jean Rhys
- Little masted boats thick on the water, like blown leaves —Donald Justice
- Sailboats moved gently in the water like large white butterflies that had dipped down to drink —Margaret Millar
- The sea crinkled like foil —Derek Walcott
- The sea is like a pale green fabric, stretched but not entirely smooth —Richard Maynard
- The sea is sparkling like joy itself —Christopher Isherwood
- The sea, like a crinkled chart, spread to the horizon —Daphne du Maurier
- The sea was as smooth as a duck-pond —Rudyard Kipling
- The sea [on a windless day] was like a sheet of steel —Fred Mustard Stewart
- The sea was quite calm, like milk-and-water —Isak Dinesen
- The sea was silver, wrinkled like a snake’s skin —Sir Hugh Walpole
- The sea, wrinkling with light, was stretched taut like a piece of silk —Elizabeth Taylor
- Smaller vessels bobbing like petals on the glass of the harbor —Francine du Plessix Gray
- There was a shimmer on the sea as though a loitering breeze passed playful fingers over its surface —W. Somerset Maugham
- The town seems to lean against the cliffs like a rusting ocean liner, thrown to shore by a storm —Miles Gibson
- Water like glass —Joseph Conrad
- The water looked flat and impervious, as if a dead membrane had been stretched over it —Cynthia Ozick
- Water … pebbly-surfaced by the insistent breeze that kept sweeping it like the strokes of invisible broomstraws, and mottled with gold flecks that were like floating freckles in the nine o’clock September sunshine —Cornell Woolrich
- Water … rippled like stretched grey silk in the wind —Gavin Lyall
- The water that shone smoothly like a band of metal —Joseph Conrad