River Parks

River Parks

Parks Directory of the United States / Urban Parks / TulsaAddress:River Parks Authority
Riverside Dr-betw 11th & 101st Sts
Tulsa, OK 74127

Web: www.riverparks.org
Size: 800 acres.
Location:Riverside Drive from 7th Street to 81st Street. Linear park lies along both sides of the Arkansas River from downtown Tulsa to the south end of the city.
Facilities:Picnic areas, concessions, boat ramp, 20 miles of multi-use pavedasphalt trails, amphitheater, nature conservatory, playgrounds, sportsareas.
Activities:Rowing, kayaking, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, bicycling, disc golf, rugby, bird-watching.
Special Features:Park includes a Least Tern preserve and nesting area and a Bald Eaglenesting area. Also includes the Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness Area,the only area of the park where horseback riding is permitted. The parkis adjacent to the city's River SkatePark.

See other parks in Oklahoma.