ST segment

RST seg·'ment

the part of the electrocardiogram between the QRS complex and the T wave. Virtually never distinct in normal hearts in which it forms the initial limb of the T wave without an agreed endpoint. Synonym(s): ST segment

ST seg·ment

(seg'mĕnt) The part of an electrocardiographic tracing that begins at the end of a QRS complex, contains the J point, and ends at the beginning of the ensuing T wave.

ST segment

, S-T segmentThe line on an electrocardiogram that begins with the end of the QRS complex and ends at the beginning of the T wave. The height of the ST segment is normally equal to that of the P-R interval and the TP interval. ST segment elevation is found in patients with acute myocardial infarction and other conditions. ST segment depression is an indicator of coronary ischemia. See also: segment