释义 |
T2A 6.312 Mbps point-to-point, digital dedicated line provided by the telephone companies. A T2 line provides 96 64-Kbps voice or data channels. See T-carrier and DS.T2
T2In magnetic resonance, the time for 63% of transverse relaxation to occur; the value is a function of magnetic field strength and the chemical environment of the hydrogen nucleus; for protons in fat and in water, in a 1.5T magnet, about 60 milliseconds and 250 milliseconds, respectively. A T2-weighted image will have a bright water signal. T2*The effective T2 relaxation time, shorter than T2 because of magnetic field inhomogeneities; the observed time constant of free induction decay. In gradient echo images, contrast depends on T2*, whereas in sequences with a 180° rephasing pulse, the contrast depends on T2. [tē-tū'stăr] T2 An MRI term for the time constant at which phase coherence among spins oriented at an angle to the static magnetic field is lost due to interactions between the spins, resulting in a loss of transverse magnetisation and MRI signal.T2 magnetic resonance The time for 63% of transverse relaxation to occur; the value is a function of magnetic field strength and the chemical environment of the hydrogen nucleus. T2
Acronym | Definition |
T2➣Terminator 2 (movie) | T2➣Type 2 (magic cards) | T2➣Technology Transfer | T2➣Topological Space (mathematics; topology) | T2➣Tribes 2 (gaming) | T2➣Training Transformation | T2➣Technology Transition | T2➣Tron 2.0 (PC game) | T2➣Thief 2 (game) | T2➣Time for 63% of Transverse Relaxation (magnetic resonance) | T2➣Temptation Island 2 | T2➣Test Article 2 (testing) | T2➣T-carrier 2 (digital transmission line, 6.312 Mbps, 96 voice channels) | ThesaurusSeeDs |