Veinberg, Boris Petrovich
Veinberg, Boris Petrovich
Born July 20 (Aug. 1), 1871; died 1942, in Leningrad. Soviet geophysicist.
Veinberg graduated from the University of St. Petersburg in 1893. From 1909 to 1924 he was a professor at the Tomsk Technological Institute. In 1924 he became director and subsequently a member of the Central Geophysical Observatory. Beginning in 1940, Veinberg was head of a section at the Scientific Research Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism. In 1906 he proposed a theory for the movement of ice over a sloping channel. He studied the movement of arctic glaciers as well as the physical and mechanical properties of ice. Veinberg organized 23 expeditions to study magnetism (1909-14).Beginning in 1927, he directed studies in applied solar energy. He developed a methodology for designing solar energy installations and was the creator of a number of inventions in the field of applied solar energy, such as solar-powered steam boilers and distilling installations.
Solnechnye opresniteli. Leningrad, 1933.Led. Moscow-Leningrad, 1940.
Kravets, T. P. “Boris Petrovich Veinberg.” Uspekhi fzieheskikhnauk, 1945, vol. 27, fizicheskikh 1. [Obituary.]Iu. D. K. “Pamiati B. P. Veinberga” Metereologiia i gidrologiia, 1947, no. 6.
Spisok pechatnykh trudov professora B. P. Veinberga. Leningrad, 1932.