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DictionarySeescalerultrasonic scaler
scaler [ska´ler] a dental instrument for removal of plaque, bacterial endotoxins, and calculus from teeth. Scaler. From Dorland's, 2000.ultrasonic scaler an ultrasonic instrument with a tip for supplying high-frequency vibrations, used to remove plaque and calculus from teeth and bits of inflamed tissue from the walls of the gingival crevice.ul·tra·son·ic sca·leran ultrasonic instrument that uses high frequency vibration to remove adherent deposits from the teeth.ul·tra·son·ic scal·er (ŭltră-sonik skālĕr) An ultrasonic instrument that uses high frequency vibration to remove adherent deposits from the teeth. mag·ne·to·stric·tive ul·tra·son·ic de·vice (mag-nē'tō-strik'tiv ŭl'tră-son'ik dĕ-vīs') Electronically powered tool that used rapid energy vibrations of a powered instrument tip to fracture calculus from tooth surfaces and cleanse environment of a periodontal pocket; consists of a portable unit that contains an electronic generator, a handpiece, and interchangeable instrument inserts. Synonym(s): ultrasonic scaler. |