Sjögren, Anders Johan
Sjögren, Anders Johan
(also Andrei Mikhailovich She-gren). Born Apr. 15 (26), 1794, in Iitti, Finland; died Jan. 6 (18), 1855, in St. Petersburg. Russian philosopher and ethnographer, of Swedish origin. Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1844).
Sjögren graduated from the University of Åbo in 1819. He became director of the Ethnographic Museum of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1845. From 1824 to 1829 he made a trip to the northern part of European Russia to study the Finno-Ugric languages and peoples. He also carried out research on the history, archaeology, and toponymy of the Russian north. From 1835 to 1837, Sjögren traveled throughout the Caucasus studying the languages and ethnography of the Ossets, Georgians, and other Caucasian peoples.
Sjögren collected field material in Livonia and Courland from 1846 to 1852. He compiled a grammar and a dictionary of the Livonian language that were published after his death by Academician F. I. Videman. Sjögren also compiled the first grammar of Ossetic— Ossetic Grammar with a Short Ossetic-Russian and Russian-Ossetic Dictionary (parts 1–2, 1844).
Gesammelte Schriften, vols. 1–2. St. Petersburg, 1861.Über die finnische Sprache und ihre Literatur. St. Petersburg, 1821.
“Ossetische Studien mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die indoeuropäischen Sprachen.” Mémoires de l’Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Petersburg, 1848, vol. 7.
Zur Ethnographie Livianas. St. Petersburg, 1849.
Uch. zap. imp. Akademü nauk po pervomu i tret’emu otdeleniiam, 1855, vol. 3. (Contains bibliography of Sjögren’s works from 1821 to 1854.)Löhnrot, E. “Denkrede.” Acta societatis scientiarum Fennicae, 1954, vol. 4.
Branch, M. A. J. Sjögren Studies of the North. Helsinki, 1973.