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Thomas test Thomas testdiagnostic assessment designed to measure the presence of a flexion contracture of the hip. The patient is placed supine and the uninvolved hip and knee are placed in maximum flexion (in a knee-to-chest position). When a flexion contracture of the opposite hip is present, the thigh will spontaneously elevate, thus indicating the amount of contracture present.Thom·as test (tom'ăs test) Maneuver used to determine tightness of iliopsoas muscle. Thomas testA test used to identify hip flexor contractures. Lying supine with the legs off the end of the table, the patient flexes the knee and tries to pull the thigh to the chest. Inability to perform this maneuver or extension of the opposite knee indicates tightness of the iliopsoas or rectus femoris muscle. See also: Thomas, Hugh OwenThomas, Hugh Owen, English surgeon, 1834-1891. Thomas Allis forcepsThomas braceThomas cervical collar braceThomas classificationThomas collarThomas collar cervical orthosisThomas extrapolated bar graftThomas fracture frameThomas full-ring splintThomas heelThomas hinged splintThomas hyperextension frameThomas Kapsule instrumentsThomas knee splintThomas Kodel slingThomas posterior splintThomas procedureThomas ringThomas signThomas splint - a long leg splint extending from a ring at the hip to beyond the foot.Thomas splint with Pearson attachmentThomas suspension splintThomas testThomas test of functionThomas walking braceThomas wrench |