

单词 strung



S0819900 (strŭng)v.Past tense and past participle of string.adj. Tense or exhausted: His strung nerves made it difficult for him to relax.


(strʌŋ) vb a past tense and past participle of stringadj1. (Instruments) a. (of a piano, etc) provided with strings, esp of a specified kind or in a specified mannerb. (in combination): gut-strung. 2. highly strung very nervous or volatile in character. Usual US and Canadian phrase: high-strung



n., v. strung, string•ing. n. 1. a slender cord used for binding or tying. 2. a narrow strip of flexible material for tying parts together: bonnet strings. 3. a collection of objects threaded on a string: a string of pearls. 4. a series of things arranged in or as if in a line: a string of questions. 5. a group of animals, businesses, etc., owned or managed by one person or group: a string of race horses; a string of hotels. 6. the tightly stretched cord or wire of a musical instrument that produces a tone when caused to vibrate, as by plucking, striking, or the friction of a bow. 7. strings, a. stringed instruments, esp. those played with a bow. b. players of strings in an orchestra or band. 8. a cord or fiber in a plant. 9. Physics. a mathematical representation of elementary particles as finite one-dimensional curves rather than as points. 10. a. stringcourse. b. one of the sloping sides of a stair, supporting the treads and risers. 11. a linear sequence of symbols, words, or bits that is treated as a unit. 12. Also called string′ line`. balkline. 13. a complement of contestants or players grouped as a squad according to their skill. 14. Usu., strings. conditions or limitations on a proposal: a generous offer with no strings attached. 15. Archaic. a ligament, nerve, or the like in an animal body. v.t. 16. to furnish with or as if with a string: to string a bow. 17. to extend or stretch like a string: strung lights on the tree. 18. to adorn with strung objects: a room strung with lights. 19. to thread on or as if on a string: to string beads. 20. to arrange in a series or succession: stringing words together. 21. a. to adjust the strings of to the required pitch: to string a violin. b. to equip (a bow or instrument) with new strings. 22. to strip the strings from: to string beans. 23. to make tense: My nerves are strung. 24. to kill by hanging (usu. fol. by up). 25. to fool; deceive (often fol. by along). v.i. 26. to lie or move in a string. 27. to form into a string or strings. 28. to strike a cue ball to determine the order of play. 29. string along, a. to be in agreement; go along. b. to keep in a state of uncertainty. 30. string out, a. to extend; stretch out. b. to prolong. Idioms: on a or the string, subject to the whim of another. [before 900; (n.) Middle English string, streng, Old English streng, c. Old High German stranc, Old Norse strengr]
Adj.1.strung - that is on a string; "keys strung on a red cord"


(striŋ) noun1. (a piece of) long narrow cord made of threads twisted together, or tape, for tying, fastening etc. a piece of string to tie a parcel; a ball of string; a puppet's strings; apron-strings. 線,細繩,帶 线,细绳,带 2. a fibre etc, eg on a vegetable. (植物的)纖維,筋 (植物的)纤维,筋 3. a piece of wire, gut etc on a musical instrument, eg a violin. His A-string broke; (also adjective) He plays the viola in a string orchestra. (樂器)弦 (乐器)弦 4. a series or group of things threaded on a cord etc. a string of beads. 一串 一串 verbpast tense, past participle strung (straŋ) 1. to put (beads etc) on a string etc. The pearls were sent to a jeweller to be strung. (用線)串 (用线)串 2. to put a string or strings on (eg a bow or stringed instrument). The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target. 上弦於(弓,樂器) 上弦于(弓,乐器) 3. to remove strings from (vegetables etc). 抽去(豆莢 )的筋 抽去(斗荚 )的筋 4. to tie and hang with string etc. The farmer strung up the dead crows on the fence. 用繩捆綁吊起 用绳捆绑吊起strings noun plural (in an orchestra, the group of people who play) stringed instruments, ie violins, violas, 'cellos and double basses. The conductor said the strings were too loud. 弦樂(器)部分 弦乐(器)部分 ˈstringy adjective (especially of meat or vegetables) having a lot of tough fibres. 多筋的 多筋的ˈstringiness noun 纖維性 纤维性string bean the long, edible green or yellow pod of certain beans. 四季豆 菜豆stringed instruments musical instruments that have strings eg violins, guitars etc. 弦樂器 弦乐器have (someone) on a string to have (a person) under one's control. 操縱某人 操纵某人pull strings to use one's influence or that of others to gain an advantage. 利用...影響而取得進展 利用...影响而取得进展pull the strings to be the person who is really, though usually not apparently, controlling the actions of others. 幕後操縱 幕后操纵string out to stretch into a long line. The runners were strung out along the course. 沿直線走(跑)下去 沿直线走(跑)下去 strung up very nervous. 非常緊張 非常紧张stringent (ˈstrindʒənt) adjective (of rules etc) very strict, or strongly enforced. There should be much more stringent laws against the dropping of rubbish in the streets. 嚴厲的 严历的ˈstringently adverb 嚴厲地 严历地ˈstringency noun1. the quality of being strict. 嚴厲 严历2. scarcity of money for lending etc. in times of stringency; (also adjective) The government are demanding stringency measures. (貨幣)短缺(的) (货币)短缺(的)



Persistently anxious and easily startled or upset. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. I've never met anyone so highly-strung. She gasps every time the phone rings.


Persistently anxious and easily startled or upset. Primarily heard in US. I've never met anyone so high-strung. She gasps every time the phone rings.

string (one) up

To hang one, typically until death. The sheriff told us he'd string us all up if we ever showed our faces in town again. My great-great-grandfather was strung up for his involvement in the rebellion.See also: string, up

string out

1. Literally, to stretch, unwind, or extend something, typically a string or cord of some kind. Be sure to string out the lights and check that each bulb is working before you hang them up on the side of the house. He strung out the power cable so that it would reach the back yard.2. By extension, to prolong, delay, or make longer than usual or necessary. He kept stringing out the negotiations in an attempt to get more money out of the deal for himself. I hate the way they string the finales of these singing competition shows out to try to build suspense.See also: out, string

strung out

1. Suffering from severe stress, anxiety, or emotional exhaustion. Sorry for shouting at you, I'm just a bit strung out lately. I haven't been getting much sleep since our baby was born. I could tell she was strung out from the heavy workload she'd taken on.2. Suffering from the adverse effects of drug use or addiction, especially heroin. Even if you didn't see the track marks on his arm, you could tell he was strung out just by looking at his eyes. Jane's so strung out on pills that she can't even remember where she is.See also: out, strung

string along

1. To choose or be allowed to accompany or follow someone. I decided to string along and see if they found anything interesting. Do you mind if my little brother strings along with us? My parents want him to get out of the house for a while.2. To participate or cooperate in an activity or scheme. I'm sorry, but I just can't string along with this. It's wrong. The accountant was sentenced to five years in prison for stringing along with the organized crime syndicate.3. To act in accordance or agreement with someone else or their actions. If the cops show up at the house because the party's too loud, just string along with whatever I say. I don't know how you convinced the board to string along, but they've approved your proposal.4. To cause someone to remain in a state of uncertainty or expectation, usually to achieve some end. I feel like they've been stringing us along so that we'll agree to the lower price just to have the deal finished. She's not stringing you along, Jim—she's just being your friend, but you're trying to pretend there's a chance she likes you romantically.See also: string

string together

1. Literally, to connect a series of things together on or like a string. A noun or pronoun can be used between "string" and "together." Help me string these letters together for Sarah's "Happy Birthday" sign. The children strung together flowers into rudimentary wreaths.2. To compose, assemble, or arrange something in a series, especially in a quick, sloppy, or haphazard manner. A noun or pronoun can be used between "string" and "together." Just because you can string together a pretentious, academic-sounding words doesn't make you a scholar. Their presentation was just a bunch of random photos strung together.3. To create something by assembling or arranging something in a series, especially in a quick, sloppy, or haphazard manner. A noun or pronoun can be used between "string" and "together." They began to worry when their son turned six and could still barely string a sentence together. You can tell he just strung together the report from a bunch of different financial statements at the last minute.See also: string, together

strung up

1. Severely stressed, anxious, or emotional exhausted. Sorry for shouting at you, I'm just a bit strung up lately. I haven't been getting much sleep since our baby was born. I could tell she was really strung up from the heavy workload she'd taken on.2. Experiencing the adverse effects of drug use or addiction, especially heroin. Even if you didn't see the track marks on his arm, you could tell he was strung up just by looking at his eyes. Jane's so strung up on pills that she can't even remember where she is.See also: strung, up

strung-out shape

A state of severe mental exhaustion, especially due to stress, anxiety, drug withdrawal, lack of sleep, etc. We'd been awake for nearly 48 hours trying to get the generators working, so we were all in pretty strung-out shape. Look, I know you're in strung-out shape from dealing with all this legal stuff, but we need to sit down and talk through all our options.See also: shape

string along

 (with someone) 1. to follow with someone. Do you mind if I string along with you? I don't mind if you string along. 2. to agree with someone's policies and actions. Okay. I will string along with you this time, but I don't know about the future. I would appreciate it if you would string along just this one time.See also: string

string someone along

to maintain someone's attention or interest, probably insincerely. You are just stringing me along because you like to borrow my car. You are not a real friend. Rachel strung her along for the sake of old times.See also: string

string something out

 1. Lit. to unwind, stretch, or straighten something, such as wire, and extend it. The workers strung the wires out before installing them. They strung out the wires first. 2. Fig. to cause something to take more time than it ought to. Is there any good reason to string this meeting out any longer? Don't string out the meetings so long.See also: out, string

string something together

to connect things, such as beads, together, as with string. I spent all afternoon stringing beads together. My pearls broke and I had to take them to a jeweler to have them strung together again.See also: string, together

strung out

 1. extended in time; overly long. Why was that lecture so strung out? She talked and talked. It was strung out because there was very little to be said. 2. Sl. doped or drugged. Bob acted very strangelyas if he were strung out or something. I've never seen Bob or any of his friends strung out.See also: out, strung

string along

1. Go along with someone, accompany or follow, as in I decided to string along with them, just to see what might happen. [Colloquial; first half of 1900s] 2. Agree, as in We knew that three committee members would string along with us for now. [Colloquial; first half of 1900s] 3. string someone along. Keep someone waiting or in a state of uncertainty; also, fool or deceive someone. For example, We were stringing them along, hoping that we'd get a better offer, or She was in tears when she found out that he'd just been stringing her along. [Colloquial; c. 1900] See also: string

string out

1. Stretch, extend; also, prolong. For example, The parade strung out for miles, or The meetings strung out over weeks instead of days. [First half of 1800s] 2. strung out. Addicted to, stupefied by, or debilitated by drug use, as in She was completely strung out when they found her. [Second half of 1900s] See also: out, string

string together

Compose, assemble, as in There's more to devising an effective slogan than stringing together some words. This expression alludes to threading beads on a string. [First half of 1800s] See also: string, together

string along

v.1. To keep someone waiting or in a state of uncertainty: The company strung along the job candidate for two weeks before hiring someone else. After I proposed, my girlfriend strung me along for a month before rejecting me.2. To fool, cheat, or deceive someone: I am worried that they have no intentions of buying the house at all, but are just stringing us along. The con artist strung along the tourists for an hour before they caught on.3. To agree; go along: They strung along with the plan despite its obvious flaws.See also: string

string out

v.1. To make something longer than usual or necessary; prolong something: The prosecution strung out the trial hoping to get the time to gather more evidence. We've already said everything that needs to be said in this conversation, so why do you keep trying to string it out?2. To spread out in a line. Used in the passive: From the plane, we could see small villages that were strung out along the coast.3. Slang To become intoxicated, especially with an addictive opiate or stimulant. Used in the passive: He was so strung out that he couldn't talk. People started to suspect that the athlete was strung out on coke or booze, or both.See also: out, string

string together

v.1. To arrange something in a string or series: This sentence makes no sense—you've just strung a bunch of words together at random! They worked all night stringing the flowers together to make those garlands.2. To produce something by arranging in a string or series: I was able to string together a flimsy excuse for my chronic lateness. How do you expect to be a successful lawyer when you can barely string an argument together?See also: string, together

strung out

1. and strung (up) mod. drug intoxicated and bewildered. (Drugs.) Marlon is really strung out lately. What’s he shooting now? 2. mod. badly addicted to heroin; dissipated by heroin. (Drugs.) Clare is strung out and can’t deny her problem any longer. 3. mod. depressed; nervous. I’m a little strung out—because of the accident, I guess. 4. mod. in love and disoriented. Sam is strung out over Mary. See also: out, strung

strung (up)

verbSee strung outSee also: strung

strung-out shape

n. a tired and exhausted condition. They were sort of in strung-out shape, tired and ready for the sack. See also: shape



a. (of a piano, etc.) provided with strings, esp of a specified kind or in a specified manner b. (in combination): gut-strung




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