Acronym | Definition |
SJE➣San Jose Earthquakes (soccer team; California) |
SJE➣St. John the Evangelist (Christian figure) |
SJE➣Social Justice Education |
SJE➣Sompo Japan Insurance Company of Europe Limited (Sompo Japan Insurance, Inc.) |
SJE➣St-Jean-Eudes (Québec, Canada school) |
SJE➣Sciences Juridiques et Economiques (French: Legal Science and Economics) |
SJE➣San Jacinto Elementary School (California) |
SJE➣Sallie Jones Elementary School (Punta Gorda, FL) |
SJE➣Spartanburg Jazz Ensemble (Spartanburg, SC) |
SJE➣Single Joint Elevator (oil & gas drilling) |