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pachyonychia [pak″e-o-nik´e-ah] abnormal thickening of the nails.pachyonychia conge´nita a congenital autosomal dominant syndrome primarily affecting males, characterized by increased thickness of the nails, hyperkeratosis involving the palms, soles, knees, and elbows, widespread tiny cutaneous horns, leukoplakia of the mucous membranes, and usually excessive sweating of the hands and feet; sometimes associated with development of bullae on palms and soles after trauma.pach·y·o·nych·i·a (pak'ē-ō-nik'ē-ă), Abnormal thickness of the fingernails or toenails. [pachy- + G. onyx, nail] pach·y·o·nych·i·a (pak'ē-ō-nik'ē-ă) Abnormal thickness of the fingernails or toenails. [pachy- + G. onyx, nail]pachyonychia Abnormal thickness of the nails. |