Quirino, Elpidio

Quirino, Elpidio

(ĕlpē`thyō kērē`nō), 1890–1956, Filipino statesman, b. Ilocos Sur prov., Luzon. After he was admitted (1915) to the bar he became a law clerk in the Philippine senate. For many years he was Manual QuezonQuezon, Manuel Luis
, 1878–1944, first president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1935–44). While a law student, he joined (1899) Emilio Aguinaldo's insurrectionary army and fought the U.S. forces until 1901. He was imprisoned briefly after the insurrection.
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's political aide. Quirino was elected (1919) to the Philippine house of representatives, and as senator (1925–35, 1941) he devoted himself to problems of finance. After the Japanese invasion in World War II he became a leader of the underground and was captured and imprisoned; his wife and three of his five children were killed by the conquerors. After the liberation (1945) of the Philippines, Quirino became president pro tempore of the senate and was elected (1946) first vice president of the independent Philippine republic. When President Manuel RoxasRoxas, Manuel
, 1894–1948, Philippine statesman, b. Capiz, Panay. In 1921 he was elected to the Philippine house of representatives and in the following year he became speaker.
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 died (1948), Quirino succeeded to the presidency and was elected to that office in 1949. His administration was plagued by the Hukbalahap insurrection. Although ill, Quirino ran for reelection (1953), but he was overwhelmingly defeated by Ramon MagsaysayMagsaysay, Ramón
, 1907–57, president of the Philippines (1953–57). When the Japanese invaded the Philippines (1941), he joined the army and was commissioned a captain.
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