Quintos Ennius

Ennius, Quintos


Born 239 B.C in Rudiae; died 160 B.C. Roman poet and dramatist.

Ennius is the author of tragedies, satires, and comedies. Fragments of his works have been preserved. His principal work is the epic poem Annals, which recounts events in the history of Rome from the time of Romulus to Ennius’ day. Imitating the Greek epic poems, Ennius attempted to reproduce Homeric forms by developing a Latin hexameter.


The Annals of Quintus Ennius. London, 1925.
The Tragedies of Ennius. London, 1967.


Osherov, S. A. “O pervom literaturnom oformlenii rimskoi respublikanskoi ideologii.” Vestnik drevenei istorii, 1958, no. 3.
Norden, E. Ennius und Vergilius. Leipzig-Berlin, 1915.