pacemaker syndrome

pace·mak·er syn·drome

the occurrence of symptoms relating to the loss of atrioventricular synchrony in ventricularly paced patients, or symptoms caused by inadequate timing of atrial and ventricular contractions in paced patients.

pacemaker syndrome

Cardiology A common–up to 20%–complication of pacemakers caused by adverse hemodynamic effects of ventricular pacing, due to AV asynchrony Clinical Vertigo, syncope, dyspnea, weakness, ↓ exercise tolerance, postural hypotension, palpable hepatic and jugular veins Etiology Alternating AV asynchrony in which the atrium contracts against closed valves, raising venous pressure or ventricle contracts before blood arrives, causing transient ↓ in cardiac output Management Dual chamber pacing pacemaker, antiarrhythmics

pace·mak·er syn·drome

(pās'mā-kĕr sin'drōm) A complex of signs and symptoms that occur when atrioventricular synchrony is lost during pacing and relieved when atrioventricular synchrony is restored. Should be suspected if preimplantation symptoms recur in the presence of a properly functioning pacemaker. Symptoms may include vertigo, syncope, dyspnea, weakness, orthopnea, and postural hypotension.