

单词 pac



P5001900 (păk)n. A private entity formed by business, labor, or other special-interest groups that can raise money to use for support of a political party or campaign but typically is required to abide by limits on contributions and expenditures.
[p(olitical) a(ction) c(ommittee).]


abbr. premature atrial contraction


also pack P0001700 (păk)n.1. A moccasin or soft shoe worn inside a boot.2. A shoepac.
[Short for shoepac, alteration (influenced by shoe) of pidgin Delaware seppock, shoe, from Unami Delaware chípahko, shoes.]


abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Pan-Africanist Congress



n. 1. a soft, heelless shoe worn as a liner inside an overshoe. 2. shoepac. [1870–75, Amer.; extracted from shoepac]



n., pl. PAC's, PACs. political action committee.


Noun1.PAC - committee formed by a special-interest group to raise money for their favorite political candidatesPAC - committee formed by a special-interest group to raise money for their favorite political candidatespolitical action committeecommission, committee - a special group delegated to consider some matter; "a committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours" - Milton Berle



see political action committeepolitical action committee
(PAC), U.S. organization formed by a corporation, labor union, or association to raise money for political activity. Funds can be gathered by voluntary contributions from members, employees, or shareholders.
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(1) See perceptual audio coding.

(2) (Programmable Automation Controller) A programmable microprocessor-based device that is used for discrete manufacturing, process control and remote monitoring applications. Designed for use in rugged, industrial environments, PACs combine the functions of a programmable logic controller (PLC) with the greater flexibility of a PC. They are also more easily set up for data collection and integration with the company's business applications than PLCs.

Although each PAC vendor uses its own development environment (IDE) and programming language, PAC networking is typically based on IP and Ethernet. Taking advantage of off-the-shelf microprocessors, PACs were developed in the 1990s to provide a single industrial controller that would provide the functions of a DCS and PLC. The term was coined in 2001 by the ARC Advisory Group (www.arcweb.com). Contrast with PLC and DCS.

PACs in Operation
The large white boxes are Opto 22 SNAP PACs in Chevron's Richmond, Virginia research facility. Processing the PID loops, the wires come from thermocouples that sense pipe temperature in a laboratory test that analyzes the best way to break down crude oil. The PACs determine when to raise and lower temperatures, and the three modules with the black sockets send digital signals to the heaters (cables not connected in this image). (Image courtesy of Opto 22, www.opto22.com)



abbr.1. political action committee2. premature atrial contraction


Abbreviation for:
P1 artificial chromosomes
pancreatic adenocarcinoma
papular acrodermatitis childhood
photoactivated adenylyl cyclase
plasma aldosterone concentration
political action committee
polycyclic aromatic compound
premature atrial contraction
primary angle closure
primary auditory cortex
product of ambulatory care
prostate adenocarcinoma
Public Accounts Committee 
pulmonary adenocarcinoma
pulmonary artery catheterisation


1. Papular acrodermatitis of childhood–Gianotti-Crosti syndrome
2. Political action committee.3. Premature atrial contraction, see there.
4. Pulmonary artery catheterization.


Abbreviation for premature atrial contraction.


PAC (1)

See: Planned amortization class

PAC (2)

See: Preauthorized checks

PAC Bond

A collateralized mortgage obligation that seeks to protect investors from prepayment risk. PACs do this by setting a schedule of payments; if prepayments of the underlying mortgages exceed a certain rate, the life of the PAC is shortened. If they fall below a certain rate, the life of the tranche is extended. This helps protect investors in case the holders of the underlying mortgages do not pay off their mortgages as expected.


See planned amortization class.


PACPolitical Action Committee
PACParent Advisory Council
PACPerforming Arts Center
PACPompe à Chaleur (French: Heat Pump)
PACPatriot Advanced Capability
PACParent Advisory Committee
PACParticle Accelerator Conference
PACPublic Affairs Committee
PACPublic Affairs Council (Washington, DC)
PACPortable Air Conditioner
PACPublic Accounts Committee (UK)
PACProgram Advisory Committee
PACParents and Community (various locations)
PACPublic Access Catalog
PACPolítica Agraria Común (Spanish: Common Agricultural Policy)
PACPolicy Advisory Committee (Eumetsat)
PACPoint and Click (gaming community)
PACPolitique Agricole Commune (French: Common Agricultural Policy / European Commission, aka: CAP)
PACPrevention of Armed Conflict
PACPrograma de Aceleração do Crescimento (Portuguese: Growth Acceleration Program; Brazil)
PACPan-Africanist Congress (South Africa)
PACProgrammable Automation Controller
PACPresidents' Athletic Conference (various schools)
PACPolitica Agricola Comune (Italian: Common Agricultural Policy / European Commission, aka: CAP)
PACPublic Affairs and Communications (various organizations)
PACPoly Anionic Cellulose (drilling fluids)
PACPierre Audoin Consultants (est. 1976; various locations)
PACPennsylvania Athletic Conference (now Colonial States Athletic Conference)
PACPost-Acute Care (health services)
PACPowdered Activated Carbon (water treatment)
PACPalo Alto College (San Antonio, TX)
PACPrudential Assurance Company (UK)
PACPost Abortion Care
PACPan-African Congress
PACPan African Congress
PACPublic Art Commission (various locations)
PACPioneer Athletic Conference (high school athletic conference)
PACPrime Active Capital (Dublin, Ireland)
PACProfessionals' Academy of Commerce (Pakistan)
PACProbably Approximately Correct (paradigm of learning in computational learning theory)
PACPartido Acción Ciudadana (Citizen Action Party, Costa Rica)
PACPolarization and Conflict
PACPortable Air Cleaner (various companies)
PACProfessional Advisory Committee
PACPublic Advisory Committee
PACPollution Abatement and Control (various organizations)
PACPrinter Access Control
PACProduct Access Control
PACPci Agp Controller
PACProbably Almost Correct
PACPin Array Cartridge
PACProxy Auto Configuration
PACPersonal Access Code
PACParallel Access Circuit
PACP-Touch Applicable Component
PACPolish American Congress (various locations)
PACPrincess Anne County (VIrginia)
PACPolítica Agrícola Comum (Portuguese: Common Agricultural Policy / European Commission, aka: CAP)
PACProfessional Advisory Council
PACPhysical Activities Center (various schools)
PACPanasonic Avionics Corporation (California)
PACPan-Asian Coalition (game)
PACPakistan Aeronautical Complex (Kamra, Pakistan)
PACPrivilege Attribute Certificate
PACPremature Atrial Contraction
PACPlanned Amortization Class
PACPartnership Africa Canada
PACPerforming Arts Committee (various locations)
PACPre-Alumni Council (various schools)
PACPublic Assistance Coordinator (US FEMA)
PACProtected Access Credentials (Cisco)
PACProject Approval Committee
PACParish Activity Center (various locations)
PACPrevention Advisory Committee (various organizations)
PACPetites Annonces Classées
PACPortable Altitude Chamber (safety equipment)
PACPoly-Aluminum Chloride (coagulant)
PACPlasma Arc Cutting
PACPre-Authorized Chequing
PACPulmonary Artery Catheterization
PACPackaging Association of Canada
PACPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PACPacific Accreditation Cooperation
PACPorting Authorisation Code (telecommunications)
PACPicture Archiving and Communication (radiology)
PACPrince Alfred College
PACP1-Derived Artificial Chromosome
PACPike Anglers Club (fishing group)
PACProduct Approval Committee
PACPan American Crossing (undersea FO cable link)
PACPrésence et Action Culturelles (Belgium)
PACProvincial Armed Constabulary (India)
PACPost-Approval Changes (pharmaceuticals)
PACPortland Art Center (Portland, OR)
PACPlasma Aldosterone Concentration
PACPPTP Access Concentrator
PACPre-Application Conference (various locations)
PACPhysical Acoustics Corporation
PACCertified Physician Assistant
PACProblem Animal Control (Massachusetts)
PACPerceptual Audio Coding
PACPublic Archives of Canada
PACPocket Access (Microsoft)
PACProcurement Assistance Center
PACPhysician Advisory Council (various organizations)
PACPre-Authorized Contribution
PACPre-Authorized Contribution (retirement savings plan, Canada)
PACPerceptual Audio Coder
PACPower Aware Computing
PACParents Advice Centre (UK)
PACPark Avenue Club (Florham Park, NJ)
PACProduction Activity Control
PACPeace Action Coalition (various locations)
PACPortal Administration Console
PACProxy Automatic Configuration
PACProcess Analytical Chemistry
PACPre-Authorized Check
PACProfessional and Administrative Career
PACParents Are Coming (IM/chat)
PACPre-Admission Certification
PACPersonnel Administration Center
PACPublic Accountants Council (Canada)
PACPacific Athletic Conference
PACPre-Admission Counseling
PACPacific Area Command
PACPrimary Angle Closure
PACProfessional Activities Committee
PACPlasma Arc Curing (dental technology)
PACPhotoactive Compound
PACPartenariat Afrique Canada (French: Partnership Africa Canada)
PACPCI AGP Controller (Intel)
PACProvider Advisory Committee
PACPolycyclic Aromatic Compound
PACPampanga Agricultural College (Philippines)
PACPeople Against Cancer
PACParticipant Advisory Committee
PACPublic Access Center
PACPersonal Authorization Code
PACPerfect Authentic Cadence (music)
PACPhage Artificial Chromosome
PACPrivate Access Code
PACProvisional Acceptance Certificate (construction contracts)
PACPlan d'Accompagnement des Chômeurs (French: Plan to Assist the Unemployed; Belgium)
PACPatients' Association of Canada (est. 2007)
PACProhibited Alcohol Concentration
PACPrimex Aerospace Company
PACPacific Air Command
PACPatent Assistance Center (USPTO)
PACProcurement, Acquisition and Construction (NOAA Appropriation Account)
PACPanasonic Academic Challenge
PACPremature Atrial Complex
PACPrimary Agency Committee (US FEMA)
PACPrograms Activities Council (various schools)
PACPregnancy Advisory Centre
PACPolice Assistance Centre (Australia)
PACPlatform Adoption Center (Microsoft)
PACParent Action Council
PACPlug-In Action Component
PACPad Array Carrier
PACPost Award Conference
PACProgram Acquisition Cost
PACParents of Adult Children
PACPurdue Anime Club (Purdue University; Indiana)
PACProsecutors Advisory Council
PACProcess Algebra Compiler
PACPrice At Closing
PACPatient Advocacy Coalition
PACPilgrim Area Collaborative
PACProgrammable Analog Chips
PACPro Atari Computer Club (Germany)
PACPartnership Annual Conference
PACPolitical Action Commission
PACPre-Authorized Collection (insurance)
PACPredict Application Control
PACPetits Animaux de Compagnie
PACProduction Acceptance Certification
PACPlant Artificial Chromosome
PACPortland Aquatic Club (Oregon)
PACPartial Anterior Circulation (stroke)
PACPuntland AIDS Commission (Somalia)
PACPhysician's Assistant, Certified
PACProprietary Article Certificate (India)
PACPowdered Active Carbon
PACPersonal Access Communication
PACPersonnel and Administrative Center
PACPlatform Adapter Component (Sun Microsystems; NetDynamics)
PACPentagon Athletic Club
PACPlatform Applicable Clients (Visual Networks)
PACPrimary Address Code
PACPower Assurance Check
PACPower Aware Communications
PACPassword Access Code (Teltronics Vision PBX)
PACPilot At Controls
PACPreliminary Acceptance Certificate
PACPediatric AIDS Canada
PACPolar Atmospheric Chemistry
PACProblem Action Center
PACProcess Analysis and Chemometrics
PACParticle Accelerator Control
PACProfessional Advancement Course
PACPackard Automobile Classics, Inc. (The Packard Club)
PACPlant Air Compressor
PACPilots Association of Canada (Union)
PACPatient Airlift Center (USAF)
PACPrecision Attitude Control
PACPay At Consumption (similar to Vendor Managed Inventory, VMI)
PACProductivity Automation Concepts (Netherlands)
PACPre-Assigned Access Code (Washington State Department of Revenue)
PACPseudo-Associative Cache
PACPeach Autism Center
PACProceedings Authorization Committee (Ontario, Canada)
PACPostauthorization Change (USACE)
PACPassive Acoustic Classification
PACProbe Array Controller
PACPaiement Automatisé des Cotisations (French: Automated Payment of Dues; Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail)
PACPreaction Calibration
PACParticipating Associate Contractor
PACPinpoint Address Code
PACPeer Adjustment Center
PACPlanetarium Association of Canada
PACPrice Adjustment Code
PACPotentially Adverse Condition
PACPersonnel Actions Command (US Army)
PACPatriot Anti Capability
PACPlowshare Advisory Committee
PACPast Award Conference
PACProject Analysis Committee
PACPrepared Action Case
PACPersonal Air Communication Technology (protocol)
PACPower Assisted Combatant
PACPhase Ambiguity Correction
PACPreliminary Architectural Concept
PACProduction Acquisition Cost
PACPacket Access Connection (AT&T)
PACPrime Athletics Corporation (apparel company; Canton, MA)


  • noun

Synonyms for PAC

noun committee formed by a special-interest group to raise money for their favorite political candidates


  • political action committee

Related Words

  • commission
  • committee




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