treatment recommendation

treatment recommendation

Decision-making A narrative in reviews, original articles, and metanalyses, that suggests the best therapeutic option for Pts with a particular condition. See Therapy.

Patient discussion about treatment recommendation

Q. is pregnancy can cause depression? if so what are the treatment methods you should recommend me taking? A. yes, it's a well known phenomenon. About 13 percent of pregnant women and new mothers have depression. There are two treatments to depression- talk therapy and medicinal. Where not al the time you'll need medicinal. And some of the times the most effective is both. Find a good psychiatrist.

Q. i broke my hand .. please recommend for therapy methods? thanks a billion ! A. other then putting it in a cast..? or you mean physiotherapy? you need to do an x-ray to see if everything o.k inside. no mini fractures moving aroud and things like that. then cast it and a few weeks later when they take it down- start physiotherapy.

Q. Can anyone recommend alternative treatments for rheumatoid arthritis? A. my grandmother also has RH, and i looked up for her info about alternative treatments. after a few suspicious looking sites i found that didn't pass the test, i finally found this:
was very helpful!

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