

单词 thomas heel
释义 DictionarySeeheel

Thomas Edmund Dewey

Dewey, Thomas Edmund,

1902–71, American political figure, governor (1943–55) of New York, b. Owosso, Mich. Admitted (1925) to the bar, Dewey practiced law and in 1931 became chief assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. After briefly serving (1933) as U.S. attorney, he was appointed (1935) special prosecutor to investigate organized crime and was elected (1937) district attorney of New York county. He won a national reputation for "racket-busting." He was the unsuccessful Republican candidate for governor of New York in 1938, but was elected governor in 1942. In 1944 he won the Republican presidential nomination, but he lost the election to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Reelected (1946) governor, Dewey again ran for President on the Republican ticket in 1948 and, contrary to general expectation, lost the election to Harry S. Truman by a close margin. He was reelected governor of New York in 1950, and resumed private law practice on completion of his term (1955). He wrote Journey to the Far Pacific (1952) after a tour of East Asia, and Thomas E. Dewey on the Two Party System (1966).


See biographies by B. K. Beyer (1979) and R. N. Smith (1982).

Thomas heel


 [hēl] 1. the hindmost part of the foot; called also calx.2. the hindmost portion of an elongated structure, or something else comparable to the heel of the foot.Thomas heel a shoe correction consisting of a heel one half inch longer and an eighth to a sixth of an inch higher on the inside; used to bring the heel of the foot into varus and to prevent depression in the region of the head of the talus.

Thomas heel

A corrective shoe in which the heel is approx. 12 mm longer and 4 to 6 mm higher on the medial edge. This produces varus of the foot and prevents depression of the head of the talus. See also: Thomas, Hugh Owen


Hugh Owen, English surgeon, 1834-1891. Thomas Allis forcepsThomas braceThomas cervical collar braceThomas classificationThomas collarThomas collar cervical orthosisThomas extrapolated bar graftThomas fracture frameThomas full-ring splintThomas heelThomas hinged splintThomas hyperextension frameThomas Kapsule instrumentsThomas knee splintThomas Kodel slingThomas posterior splintThomas procedureThomas ringThomas signThomas splint - a long leg splint extending from a ring at the hip to beyond the foot.Thomas splint with Pearson attachmentThomas suspension splintThomas testThomas test of functionThomas walking braceThomas wrench




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