Szabó, Imre
Szabó, Imre
Born 1912. Hungarian scholar, specialist in the theory of law and in comparative law. Vice-president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1960).
From 1949 to 1955, Szabó taught the theory of the state and law at the University of Budapest. In 1955 he became director of the Institute of State and Law of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His principal works deal with the theory of socialist law. In 1956, Szabó was awarded the L. Kossuth Prize for The Bourgeois Philosophy of the State and the Law of Hungary.
Az emberi jogok mai értelme. Budapest, 1948.A jogszabábalyok értelmezése. Budapest, 1960.
Társadalom és jog. Budapest, 1964.
Az emberi jogok. Budapest, 1968.
In Russian translation:
Sotsialisticheskoepravo. Moscow, 1964.
Osnovy teorii prava. Moscow, 1974.