sixth disease

ex·an·the·ma su·bi·tum

a disease of infants and young children caused by human herpesvirus-6, marked by sudden onset with fever lasting several days (sometimes with convulsions) and followed by a fine macular (sometimes maculopapular) rash that appears within a few hours to a day after the fever has subsided. Synonym(s): Dukes disease, pseudorubella, roseola infantilis, roseola infantum, sixth disease

sixth disease

Exanthem subitum, pseudorubella, roseola, roseola infantum Pediatrics A herpesvirus 6 infection of infants/young children characterized by abrupt onset of high fever lasting several days, followed by a fine red rash. Cf Fifth disease, Seven-day disease.

ex·an·the·ma su·bi·tum

(eg-zan'thĕ-mă sū'bi-tŭm) A disease due to human herpesvirus-6 in infants and young children, marked by sudden onset with fever lasting several days (sometimes with convulsions) and followed by a fine macular (sometimes maculopapular) rash that appears within a few hours to a day after the fever has subsided.
Synonym(s): Dukes disease, roseola infantilis, roseola infantum, sixth disease.

Patient discussion about sixth disease

Q. roseola high feverA. roseola; any rose colored eruption of the skin--roseola is a viral infection of young children producing a fever which last three or four days after which temperatures drops to normal,a skin rash appears and the child becomes better---treated with meds that lower fever and stops the rash.

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