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DictionarySeetraumarisk for trauma
trauma [traw´mah] (pl. traumas, trau´mata) (Gr.) 1. injury.2. psychological or emotional damage. adj., adj traumat´ic.birth trauma an injury to the infant during the process of being born. 2. in some psychiatric theories, the psychic shock produced in an infant by the experience of being born.psychic trauma a psychologically upsetting experience that produces an emotional or mental disorder or otherwise has lasting negative effects on a person's thoughts, feelings, or behavior.risk for trauma a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as accentuated risk of accidental tissue injury such as a wound, burn, or fracture.risk for traumaAccentuated risk of accidental tissue injury, e.g., wound, burn, or fracture.See also: riskFinancialSeerisk |