Vladimir Shteingel

Shteingel’, Vladimir Ivanovich


Born Apr. 13 (24), 1783, in the city of Obvinsk, now the village of Verkh-Iaz’va, Krasnovishersk Raion, Perm’ Oblast; died Sept. 20 (Oct. 2), 1862, in St. Petersburg. Decembrist; lieutenant colonel; baron.

After graduating from the Naval Cadet School in 1799, Shtein-gel’ served as a naval officer. He fought in the Patriotic War of 1812 as a member of the St. Petersburg volunteer corps, and from 1814 to 1817 he was adjutant to General A. P. Tormasov, the commander in chief of Moscow. An advocate of constitutional monarchy, Shteingel’ joined the Northern Society of Decembrists in 1824 and helped prepare the Decembrist uprising in St. Petersburg. Although he was not present in Senate Square on Dec. 14, 1825, he was sentenced to 20 years’ hard labor, at the Nerchinsk mines. Shteingel’ spent the period 1835 to 1856 in exile in Siberia.


“Zapiski.” In Obshchestvennye dvizheniia v Rossii v pervoi polovine XIX v., vol. 1. St. Petersburg, 1905.


Baranovskaia, M. Iu. “Deiatel’nost’ V. I. Shteingelia v Moskve posle Otechestvennoi voiny 1812 g.” In Dekabristy v Moskve. Moscow, 1963.