Wada test

Wa·da test

(wah-dah), unilateral internal carotid injection of amobarbital to determine the laterality of speech; injection on the dominant side causes transient aphasia or mutism; used prior to surgical treatment of epilepsy.
A test carried out under the influence of Amytal, a sedative, to localise speech function before a temporal lobectomy in patients with medically refractory epilepsy. Amytal® interview was later used to evaluate memory which, by causing full relaxation with minimal sedation, may elicit information from a person who is voluntarily ‘guarding’ against its revelation

Wada test

Neurosurgery A test used to determine which side of the brain contains higher language functions. See Left brain.


John A., Japanese-Canadian neurosurgeon, 1924–. Wada test - unilateral internal carotid injection of amobarbital to determine the laterality of speech.