too posh to push

too posh to push

Unwilling to go through the physical pain of giving birth to a baby vaginally, choosing instead to opt to have a caesarean section. It wasn't unusual for my mother's generation to spend literal days in labor, but it seems like I hear about more and more women these days who are too posh to push and would rather just go under the knife instead.See also: push

too posh to push

People sometimes rudely say that a woman is too posh to push if she does not give birth to a baby by pushing it out of her body, but instead chooses to have an operation to take it out. There are plenty of well-off mothers who are too posh to push.See also: push

too posh to push

(of a mother-to-be, especially a well-to-do one) unwilling to suffer the discomfort and indignity of conventional labour, and therefore opting for a caesarean section. 2004 Richmond News (British Columbia) Some modern gals have been labeled as ‘too posh to push’ and demand a quick delivery by scalpel rather than a slow stretch in the stirrups. See also: push