a group of families or orders of dicotyledonous, choripetalous plants. They are characterized by features that are considered primitive (an indeterminate and often spiral or spiral-rounded distribution of the flower parts; numerous, often ribbon-like stamens). Woody forms with wood composed of tracheids (as in conifers) or more often with wood composed of tracheids and vessels with scalene or simple perforation, predominate among ancient Polycarpicae. Twenty to 40 families (or more) are assigned to Polycarpicae, with the most typical being Magnoliaceae, Anonaceae, Winteraceae, Ranunculaceae, and Nymphaeaceae. It is conjectured that Polycarpicae are more closely related than other plants to the original ancestors of flowering plants and that the most ancient Polycarpicae gave rise to the remaining Angiospermae.