Thoma ampulla

Tho·ma am·pul·la

(tō'mah), a dilation of the arterial capillary beyond the sheathed artery of the spleen.

Tho·ma am·pul·la

(tō-mah' am-pul'lă) A dilation of the arterial capillary beyond the sheathed artery of the spleen.


Richard, German histologist, 1847-1923. Thoma ampulla - a dilation of the arterial capillary beyond the sheathed artery of the spleen.Thoma fixative - nitric acid in 95% alcohol, used for decalcifying bone in the preparation of histologic specimens.Thoma law - the development of blood vessels is governed by dynamic forces acting on their walls.Thoma-Zeiss apparatus - Synonym(s): Abbé-Zeiss apparatus