

单词 spiral organ
释义 DictionarySeeorgan of Corti

spiral organ

spiral organ

[′spī·rəl ¦ȯr·gən] (anatomy) organ of Corti

spiral organ


 [or´gan] organum.accessory digestive o's (accessory o's of digestive system) organs and structures not part of the alimentary canal that aid in digestion; they include the teeth, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.organ of Corti the organ lying against the basilar membrane in the duct" >cochlear duct, containing special sensory receptors for hearing, and consisting of neuroepithelial hair cells and several types of supporting cells.effector organ a muscle or gland that contracts or secretes, respectively, in direct response to nerve impulses.enamel organ a process of epithelium forming a cap over a dental papilla and developing into the enamel.end organ end-organ.Golgi tendon organ any of the mechanoreceptors arranged in series with muscle in the tendons of mammalian muscles, being the receptor for stimuli responsible for the lengthening reaction.reproductive o's see reproductive organs, female" >reproductive organs, female and reproductive organs, male" >reproductive organs, male.sense o's (sensory o's) organs that receive stimuli that give rise to sensations, i.e., organs that translate certain forms of energy into nerve impulses that are perceived as special sensations.spiral organ organ of Corti.target organ the organ affected by a particular hormone.vestigial organ an undeveloped organ that, in the embryo or in some remote ancestor, was well developed and functional.o's of Zuckerkandl para-aortic bodies.

spi·ral or·gan

[TA] a prominent ridge of highly specialized epithelium in the floor of the cochlear duct overlying the basilar membrane of cochlea, containing one inner row and three outer rows of hair cells, or cells of Corti (the auditory receptor cells innervated by the cochlear nerve) supported by various columnar cells: the pillars of Corti, cells of Hensen, and cells of Claudius; the spiral organ is partly overhung by an awninglike shelf, the tectorial membrane, the free marginal zone of which is covered by a gelatinous substance in which the stereocilia of the outer hair cells are embedded. Synonym(s): organum spirale [TA], acoustic papilla, Corti organ, organ of Corti

spi·ral or·gan

(spī'răl ōr'găn) [TA] A prominent ridge of highly specialized epithelium in the floor of the cochlear duct overlying the basilar membrane of cochlea, containing one inner row and three outer rows of hair cells, or cells of Corti (the auditory receptor cells innervated by the cochlear nerve), supported by various columnar cells: the pillars of Corti, cells of Hensen, and cells of Claudius; the spiral organ is partly overhung by an awninglike shelf, the tectorial membrane, the free marginal zone of which is covered by a gelatinous substance in which the stereocilia of the outer hair cells are embedded.
Synonym(s): Corti organ.


Marquis Alfonso, Italian anatomist, 1822-1888. Corti arch - the arch formed by the junction of the heads of Corti inner and outer pillar cells.Corti auditory teeth - tooth-shaped formations or ridges occurring on the vestibular lip of the limbus lamina spiralis of the cochlear duct. Synonym(s): auditory teethCorti canal - Synonym(s): Corti tunnelCorti cells - sensory cells in the organ of Corti in synaptic contact with sensory as well as efferent fibers of the cochlear (auditory) nerve. Synonym(s): cochlear hair cellsCorti ganglion - an elongated ganglion of bipolar sensory nerve cell bodies on the cochlear part of the vestibulocochlear nerve in the spiral canal of the modiolus. Synonym(s): spiral ganglion of cochleaCorti membrane - a gelatinous membrane that overlies the spiral organ (Corti) in the inner ear. Synonym(s): tectorial membrane of cochlear ductCorti organ - a prominent ridge of highly specialized epithelium in the floor of the cochlear duct. Synonym(s): spiral organCorti pillars - cells forming the outer and inner walls of the tunnel in the organ of Corti. Synonym(s): Corti rods; pillar cells; pillar cells of CortiCorti rods - Synonym(s): Corti pillarsCorti tunnel - the spiral canal in the organ of Corti, filled with fluid and occasionally crossed by nonmedullated nerve fibers. Synonym(s): Corti canalpillar cells of Corti - Synonym(s): Corti pillars

spi·ral or·gan

(spī'răl ōr'găn) [TA] Prominent ridge of highly specialized epithelium on floor of cochlear duct overlying basilar membrane of cochlea, containing one inner row and three outer rows of hair cells.
Synonym(s): acoustic papilla.




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