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ars·phen·a·mine A0440800 (ärs-fĕn′ə-mēn′)n. A drug formerly used to treat syphilis, yaws, and other spirochetal infections. [ars(enic) + phen(yl) + amine.]arsphenamine (ɑːsˈfɛnəmɪn; -ˌmiːn) n (Pharmacology) a drug containing arsenic, formerly used in the treatment of syphilis and related infectionsarsphenamineenUK
arsphenamine[är′sfen·ə‚mēn] (pharmacology) C12H12 As2N2O2·2HCl·2H2O The antisyphilitic diaminodihydroxyarsenobenzene dihydrochloride, effective also on protozoan infections, first prepared by P. Ehrlich in 1909. Also known as Ehrlich's 606. arsphenamineenUK
ars·phen·a·mine (ars-fen'ă-min), A yellow hygroscopic powder formerly used in the treatment of syphilis, yaws, and some other diseases of protozoan origin. The synthesis of arsphenamine in 1907 and the demonstration of its usefulness as a therapeutic agent by Paul Ehrlich and coworkers (1909) marked the beginning of chemotherapy. Synonym(s): phenarsenaminearsphenamine (ärs-fĕn′ə-mēn′)n. A drug formerly used to treat syphilis, yaws, and other spirochetal infections.arsphenamine (ars-fen′ă-mēn″, -mĕn) [ ars(enic) + phen(yl) + amine] A light yellow powder containing about 30% arsenic; formerly used in the treatment of syphilis.arsphenamine An organic arsenical compound formerly used to treat syphilis. Treatment with arsenical drugs was called arsenotherapy. |