Seacliff State Beach

Seacliff State Beach

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:5.5 miles south of Santa Cruz, off Highway 1 at the State Park Drive exit in the neighborhood of Aptos.
Facilities:26 campsites (RVs only; all sites have full hookups), picnic areas, showers, restrooms,hiking trails, visitor center, exhibits, fishing pier, food service (é).
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Seacliff State Beach is known for its fishing pier and concretefreighter, the Palo Alto, docked at the end of thepier. Unfortunately, the ship is unsafe and closed to the public.
Address:c/o Santa Cruz District Office
303 Big Trees Park Rd
Felton, CA 95018

Size: 87 acres.

See other parks in California.