释义 |
Polya gastrectomy Pól·ya gas·trec·to·my (pōl'yah), surgical procedure consisting of partial gastrectomy and retrocolic end-to-side gastrojejunostomy involving the transected body of the stomach. Synonym(s): Pólya operationPól·ya gas·trec·to·my , Pólya operation (pōl'yah gas-trek'tŏ-mē, op-ĕr-ā'shŭn) Operation in which a portion of the stomach is removed and a retrocolic gastrojejunostomy is constructed in an end-to-side fashion to the entire cut end of the stomach. Pólya, Jenö (Eugene Polya), Hungarian surgeon, 1876-1944. Hofmeister-Pólya anastomosisPólya anastomosisPólya femoral herniorrhaphyPólya gastrectomy - partial gastrectomy with retrocolic anastomosis of the full width of stomach to jejunum. Synonym(s): Pólya operationPólya gastroenterostomyPólya gastrojejunostomyPólya operation - Synonym(s): Pólya gastrectomyPólya techniqueReichel-Pólya stomach resection - see under Reichel, Friedrich P |