释义 |
temporomandibular syndrome tem·po·ro·man·dib·u·lar syn·dromesymptoms of discomfort and pain caused by loss of vertical dimension, lack of posterior occlusion, or other malocclusion, trismus, muscle tremor, arthritis, or direct trauma to the temporomandibular joint. tem·po·ro·man·dib·u·lar syn·dromesymptoms of discomfort and pain caused by loss of vertical dimension, lack of posterior occlusion, or other malocclusion, trismus, muscle tremor, arthritis, or direct trauma to the temporomandibular joint.tem·po·ro·man·dib·u·lar syn·drome (tempŏr-ō-man-dibyū-lăr sindrōm) Symptoms of discomfort and pain caused by loss of vertical dimension, lack of posterior occlusion, or other malocclusion, trismus, muscle tremor, or direct trauma to the temporomandibular joint. |