temporary tooth

de·cid·u·ous tooth

[TA] a tooth of the first set of teeth, comprising 20 in all, that erupts between 6-24 months of life. Synonym(s): dens deciduus [TA], baby tooth, deciduous dentition, dens lacteus, first dentition, milk tooth, primary dentition, primary tooth, temporary tooth

de·cid·u·ous tooth

(dĕ-sij'ū-ŭs tūth) [TA] One of the first set of teeth, comprising 20 in all, which erupt between the mean ages of 6 and 28 months of life.
Synonym(s): dens deciduus [TA] , baby tooth, deciduous dentition, milk dentition, milk tooth, primary dentition, primary tooth, temporary tooth.

de·cid·u·ous tooth

(dĕ-sij'ū-ŭs tūth) [TA] Tooth of the first set of teeth, comprising 20 in all, which erupts between 6-24 months of life.
Synonym(s): dens deciduus [TA] , baby tooth, dens lacteus, first dentition, milk dentition, milk tooth, primary dentition, temporary tooth.