Acronym | Definition |
SDV➣Switched Digital Video |
SDV➣Stop Domestic Violence (various organizations) |
SDV➣Source Document Verification |
SDV➣San Device Virtualization |
SDV➣Semicolumn Divided Values |
SDV➣Static Driver Verifier |
SDV➣Stratégie de Développement de Ville (French: City Development Strategy) |
SDV➣Service Diocésain des Vocations (French: Diocesan Vocations Service) |
SDV➣Sciences de la Vie (French: Life Sciences) |
SDV➣Service-Disabled Veteran |
SDV➣Swimmer Delivery Vehicle |
SDV➣Source Data Verification |
SDV➣Simpson Dura-Vent (pipes) |
SDV➣Safe Deposit Vault |
SDV➣Single-Dose Vial |
SDV➣Shuttle-Derived Vehicle |
SDV➣Shutdown Valve |
SDV➣Submerged Delivery Vehicle (US DoD) |
SDV➣SCAC-Delmas-Vieljeux (transportation company, France) |
SDV➣Satsuma Dwarf Virus (plant pathogenic virus) |
SDV➣Scrapper's Dream Vacation (scrapbooking convention) |
SDV➣Sedan de Ville (Cadillac model) |
SDV➣Store Door Value (consumer goods) |
SDV➣SEAL (Sea, Air, Land) Delivery Vehicle (US DoD) |
SDV➣Serveur Dedié Virtuel (French: Virtual Dedicated Server) |
SDV➣Si Dieu Veut (French: If God Wants) |
SDV➣Shadow Doppler Velocimeter |
SDV➣Special Decontamination Vehicle (Singapore Civil Defence Force) |
SDV➣Static Device Verifier |
SDV➣Software Development and Validation |
SDV➣Speed Decrease Valve |
SDV➣Sonido De Valencia |
SDV➣Society of Divine Vocations, Vocationist Fathers (religious order) |
SDV➣Tel Aviv, Israel - Dov Airport (airport code) |
SDV➣State Data Exchange |