释义 |
oxy-(word root) sharp, keen, acidExamples of words with the root oxy-: oxygen, oxymoronoxy-pref. Oxygen, especially additional oxygen: oxyacetylene. [From oxygen.]oxy- combining form (Elements & Compounds) denoting something sharp; acute: oxytone. [from Greek, from oxus]
oxy- combining form 1. containing or using oxygen: oxyacetylene. 2. a former equivalent of hydroxy- oxy-1 , a combining form meaning “sharp,” “acute,” “keen,” “pointed,” “acid”: oxygen; oxymoron. [< Greek, comb. form of oxýs sharp, keen] oxy-2 , a combining form representing oxygen in compound words, sometimes as an equivalent of hydroxy-: oxyhemoglobin.
oxy- word element [Gr.], sharp; quick; sour; presence of oxygen in a compound. Also ox-.oxy-1. Combining form denoting shrill; sharp, pointed; quick (incorrectly used for ocy-, from G. ōkys, swift). See also: hydroxy-, oxa-, oxo-. 2. In chemistry, combining form denoting the presence of oxygen, either added or substituted, in a substance. See also: hydroxy-, oxa-, oxo-. [G. oxys, keen] oxy- 1. Combining form meaning shrill; sharp, pointed; quick (incorrectly used for ocy-, from G. ōkys, swift). 2. chemistry Combining form denoting the presence of oxygen, either added or substituted, in a substance. See also: hydroxy-, oxa-, oxo-[G. oxys, keen]oxy- Combining form denoting sharp. |