

 [si-tos″ter-ol-e´me-ah] the presence of excessive levels of sitosterols in the blood, especially β-sitosterol, absorbed from dietary vegetables due to an unknown intestinal defect. A rare form is associated with xanthomatosis, with tuberous and tendon xanthomas appearing in childhood.


(fī'tō-stē'ro-lēm'ē-ă), An inherited disorder in which hyperabsorption of phytosterols and shellfish sterols results in tendon and tuberous xanthomata. Synonym(s): sitosterolemia


BGF-3000085 (sī-tŏs″tĕr-ōl-ē′mē-ă) A rare, autosomal recessive disorder in which sitosterols are excessively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and stored in the body. The disease produces atherosclerotic vascular disease (esp. premature coronary artery disease and premature death), hemolytic anemia, and arthritis.