ameboid movement


 [mo̳v´ment] 1. an act of moving; called also motion.2. an act of movement movement produced by the person's own muscles.ameboid movement movement like that of an ameba, accomplished by protrusion of cytoplasm of the cell.associated movement movement of parts that act together, as the eyes.brownian movement the peculiar, rapid, oscillatory movement of fine particles suspended in a fluid medium; called also molecular movement.circus movement the propagation of an impulse again and again through tissue already previously activated by it; the term is usually reserved for the reentry involving an pathway" >accessory pathway.molecular movement brownian movement.passive movement a movement of the body or of the extremities of a patient performed by another person without voluntary motion on the part of the patient.vermicular m's the wormlike movements of the intestines in peristalsis.

a·me·boid move·ment

a type of movement characteristic of the protoplasm of leukocytes, amebae, and other unicellular organisms; protoplasm streams to a region of the cell where surface pressure is least and forms a balloon-shaped pseudopod; subsequently, the protoplasm may return to the body of the cell, causing retraction of the pseudopod, or the cell's entire volume of protoplasm may flow into the pseudopod, therefore causing the cell to move from its previous position to the location occupied by the pseudopod. Synonym(s): streaming movement

a·me·boid move·ment

(ă-mē'boyd mūv'mĕnt) The form of motion characteristic of the protoplasm of leukocytes, amebae, and other unicellular organisms; involves the massing of the protoplasm at a point where surface pressure is lowest where it extrudes in the form of a pseudopod; the protoplasm may return to the body of the cell, resulting in the retraction of the pseudopod, or the entire mass may flow into the cell body, resulting in locomotion of the cell.