

Q0028400 (kwĭb′əl)intr.v. quib·bled, quib·bling, quib·bles To argue or find fault over trivial matters or minor concerns; cavil.n.1. A trivial matter or minor concern raised in arguing or finding fault.2. Archaic A pun.
[Probably diminutive of obsolete quib, equivocation, perhaps from Latin quibus, dative and ablative pl. of quī, who, what (from its frequent use in legal documents); see kwo- in Indo-European roots.]
quib′bler n.Synonyms: quibble, carp1, cavil, nitpick
These verbs mean to raise petty or frivolous objections or complaints: quibbling about minor details; a critic who constantly carped; caviling about the price of coffee; tried to stop nitpicking all the time.