UPFUniversitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain)
UPFUltraviolet Protection Factor
UPFUniversidade de Passo Fundo (Portuguese: University of Passo Fundo; Brazil)
UPFUnified Power Format (IEEE standard)
UPFUniversity Press of Florida
UPFUniversal Peace Federation (formerly Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace)
UPFUncharacterized Protein Family
UPFUnion Internationale de la Presse Francophone (French: International Francophone Press Union; France; est. 1950)
UPFUnity Productions Foundation
UPFUnited People's Front (Nepal)
UPFUpcountry People's Front (Sri Lanka)
UPFUniversal Preservation Format
UPFUnity Power Factor (electrical engineering)
UPFUnidade de Protecção da Força (Portuguese: Force Protection Unit)
UPFUnderperform (finance)
UPFUrban Parks Forum (est. 1999)
UPFUnited Plastic Fabricating, Inc. (North Andover, MA)
UPFUniversity Police Force (University of the Philippines)
UPFUnited Peace Federation
UPFUn-Plug Fest (Bluetooth)