Thiry fistula

Thi·ry fis·tu·la

(tē'rē), an artificial fistula for collecting the intestinal secretions of an animal for experimental purposes; a loop of intestine is isolated, its vascular and nervous connections are preserved, after the continuity of the intestinal tract is restored by an end-to-end anastomosis; one end of the isolated segment is closed, the other attached to the skin of the abdomen.

Thi·ry fis·tu·la

(tē'rē fis'chū-lă) An artificial fistula for collecting the intestinal secretions of an animal for experimental purposes; a loop of intestine is isolated; its vascular and nervous connections are preserved, after the continuity of the intestinal tract is restored by an end-to-end anastomosis; one end of the isolated segment is closed, the other attached to the skin of the abdomen.


Ludwig, Austrian physiologist, 1817-1897. Thiry fistula - Synonym(s): Thiry-Vella fistulaThiry-Vella fistula - experimental isolation of a segment of intestine in a dog or other animal. Synonym(s): Thiry fistula; Vella fistula