Acronym | Definition |
ASCR➣Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (est. 1992) |
ASCR➣Advanced Scientific Computing Research (US Department of Energy) |
ASCR➣Advanced Scientific Computing Research |
ASCR➣ASUS Smart Contrast Ratio |
ASCR➣Association of Specialists in Cleaning and Restoration (now Restoration Industry Association; Columbia, MD) |
ASCR➣Adult Stem Cell Research |
ASCR➣Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (USDA) |
ASCR➣autologous stem-cell rescue |
ASCR➣American Society of Classical Realism |
ASCR➣Associação Saúde Criança Renascer (Brasil) |
ASCR➣American Stock Car Racing (also seen as ASC) |
ASCR➣Assured Safe Crew Return |
ASCR➣Australian Sugar Cane Railway (Bundaberg, Australia) |
ASCR➣Advanced Sodium Cooled Reactor |