political modernization
political modernization
the process, usually seen as crucially affected by economic modernization, in which traditional or colonial forms of political organization and state-forms are replaced by Western state-forms, including modern POLITICAL PARTIES.Identification of the socioeconomic requirements for ‘political modernization’ to succeed (education, the creation of appropriate POLITICAL CULTURE) was a central topic in the 1950s and 1960s in forms of POLITICAL SCIENCE and POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY influenced by SYSTEMS THEORY and STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONALISM. Theories of political modernization of this type (e.g. D. Apter, The Politics of Modernization, 1965) usually adhered to a model of social development which saw Western European patterns of liberal democracy as the most rational and appropriate form of political development for non-European societies to pursue (see also STABLE DEMOCRACY). Understandably, such a Western-centred conception of political modernization was widely criticized. Thus the term is now used in a more open-ended way, to refer to the process of political modernization whatever its form.