Riolan bones

Ri·o·lan bones

(rē-ō-lŏn[h]'), several small sutural bones sometimes present in the petrooccipital suture.


Jean, French anatomist and botanist, 1577-1657. Riolan anastomosis - the specific portion of the marginal artery of the colon connecting the middle and left colic arteries. Synonym(s): Riolan arc (3)Riolan arc - (1) Synonym(s): intestinal arterial arcades - (2) Synonym(s): marginal artery of colon - (3) Synonym(s): Riolan anastomosisRiolan arcades - Synonym(s): intestinal arterial arcadesRiolan bones - several small sutural bones sometimes present in the petrooccipital suture.Riolan bouquet - the muscles and ligaments arising from the styloid process.Riolan muscle - Synonym(s): cremaster muscle