Rio Grande Nature Center State Park
Rio Grande Nature Center State Park
Location:In Albuquerque, at the west end of Candelaria Road; take Exit 157A (RioGrande Blvd) off I-40 or Exit 227 (Frontage Road) off I-25.
Facilities:Nature trails, group shelter, visitor/nature center, classrooms, library, viewing areas, restrooms @di).
Activities:Naturalist-led hikes, wildlife viewing, nature study programs.
Special Features:Park is a wildlife refuge and nature study center in the heart ofAlbuquerque, with a trail system along the river, classrooms, and aglass-walled library with viewing areas . It lies along the Rio GrandeFlyway, an important migratory route for Canada geese, sandhill cranes,and various species of ducks and other waterfowl.
Address:2901 Candelaria Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Size: 170 acres land. Elevation: 5,000 feet.
See other parks in New Mexico.