bifurcation lesion
bifurcation lesion
A term for an atherosclerotic lesion of the coronary arteries at a bifurcation.Classification of bifurcation lesions
Y-shaped lesion
The angulation between side branch and main vessel is <70º; side branch access is usually easy, but plaque shift pronounced.
T-shaped lesion
Angle between side branch and main vessel is >70º; side branch access may be difficult, but plaque shift less pronounced.
Type 1–4 lesions
Type 1—True bifurcation lesion involving main vessel, proximal and distal to the side branch, and the ostium of the side branch.
Type 2—Bifurcation lesion involving main vessel proximal and distal to the side branch, but no involvement of side branch ostium.
Type 3—Bifurcation lesion involving main vessel proximal, but not distal to the side branch and without involvement of side branch ostium.
Type 4—Bifurcation lesion involving the distal main vessel and the ostium of the side branch.
4a—Bifurcation lesion involving main vessel distal, but not proximal to the side branch and without involvement of side branch ostium.
4b—Bifurcation lesion involving the side branch ostium only.